
Frosty Games Festival
Creative Wizard
Frosty Games festival
In 2024 Amy Potter tweeted into the ether 'What if ANZ had their own games showcase?". Lucy was immediately on board as she had recently been feeling the same way.
Born out of a desire to show-off what devs in the ANZ region were working on the Frosty Games festival was created.
After passing her along the best powerpoint presentation of inspiration she had ever seen, Lucy hopped straight to work and developed the branding with Amy. Soon we had a Mascot, gorgeous colours, and a whole range of assets.
Visit us at: https://www.frostygamesfest.com/
Global Game Jam 2025
Logo + Visual Identity
In November of 2024 Lucy was contacted by the International Game Development Association Melbourne branch to create the art for the 2025 Global Game Jam.
The brief was simple 'feels Australian without a building landmark, birds could be fun?" with a request that the illustrations demonstrate the 'fun and community spirit' of the event.
You don't have to tell Luce twice to draw some native birds.
After 12+ rough and dirty sketches, we narrowed it down to 5 beloved options before settling on a laughing Kookaburra and and accompanying gaggle of birds working on their own game dev project.
Mugs, Badges, and online assets were produced for the event using the art.

Logo + Visual Identity
At Ultimerse, Lucy was responsible for the design works.
From creating the initial branding, stationary, to establishing the style guide of the studio.
The Ultimerse logo needed to be a design that worked with the unique name of the studio. At the time the studio wanted something modern, versatile, and reminiscent of space. The logo also needed to work in both the business world and the gaming world.
Thus the Ultimerse UFO was born.
40 Hour Famine 2016
Social Media Assets, Illustration, Design
World Vision Australia
In 2016 in collaboration with World Vision Australia,
Lucy created the Instagram assets for
the World Vision 40 Hour Famine campaign.
In total over 150 tiles were created for the campaign, as well as banner ads, editorials, and internal graphics.